Bus Shelters

Speed bumps help to reduce the speed of cars, trucks, and vans on roads which greatly reduces traffic accidents. Driving over the bumps too fast will result in a hard, uncomfortable drive.

Speed Bumps and Speed Humps have the same meaning and are used to slow traffic down. Choose speed humps for cars or HGVs, residential areas, or freight depots. Our speed humps offer super quick install and sections are easy to replace when needed.

Get the Right Speedbump for the Job with Super Quick Delivery & Installation

  • Super quick install with our Speed Humps
  • Create more visible bus stops for passengers
  • Improve overall aesthetic for urban environments
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Bus Shelters to create a better bus stop experience

lorem. Mauris hendrerit risus ac pulvinar fermentum. Donec sodales commodo lacus sed dignissim. Vestibulum at sem et orci fringilla porttitor. In sem nisi, congue vitae massa vitae, volutpat rhoncus orci. Nulla diam sapien, posuere nec laoreet posuere, varius a nisi.

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metus ac lectus. Nunc dictum justo vitae mi aliquam egestas vitae eu lorem. Mauris hendrerit risus ac pulvinar fermentum. Donec sodales commodo lacus sed dignissim. Vestibulum at sem et orci fringilla porttitor. In sem nisi, congue vitae massa vitae, volutpat rhoncus orci. Nulla diam sapien, posuere nec laoreet posuere, varius a nisi.

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Speed Bumps

Immediate bump used to slow vehicle or HGV traffic. Ranges from 30mm to 75mm high. Causes an immediate bump to encourage drivers to slow down. Driving over a speed bump too fast will result in an uncomfortable drive for drivers. Severe speeding may also damage the car.

Speed Cushions

A less severe bump that is used to slow vehicles to a reasonable speed bump keep traffic flowing. Generally installed with gaps in between to allow larger emergency vehicle axles to get around the cushions without hindering response times. Typically used in urban settings.

Speed Tables

The largest speed bump option from front to back. The "table" style layout provides an excellent traffic calming option for cities or towns. The design provides a very gentle bump which encourages drivers to slow down to reasonable speeds. However, the speed table will allow general traffic to flow, only slowing vehicles on approach to pedestrian crossings. The speed table itself is also often used as a pedestrian crossing for public spaces.

Kerb Ramps

Kerb ramps are installed against kerbs to provide easier access for cars. Kerb ramps are commonly installed where the kerbs are too high for cars to gain access. The ramps can be used permanently or temporarily as needed.

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Protect Passengers

The shelters will provide cover against rain, helping to keep bus passengers as dry as possible

Create more visible bus stops for passengers

Bus shelters will help passengers to easily identify bus stops

Improve overall aesthetic for urban environments

Having bus shelters in place will boost visual appeal in the streetscape

Provide a place for bus schedules and advertisements to be displayed

The cover that bus shelters provide also allow for bus timetables and ads to be displayed with ease

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Tincidunt morbi amet varius varius sollicitudin placerat. Bibendum vitae proin turpis et scelerisque pulvinar sit aliquam. Turpis sed egestas pretium consequat.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Tincidunt morbi amet varius varius sollicitudin placerat. Bibendum vitae proin turpis et scelerisque pulvinar sit aliquam. Turpis sed egestas pretium consequat.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Tincidunt morbi amet varius varius sollicitudin placerat. Bibendum vitae proin turpis et scelerisque pulvinar sit aliquam. Turpis sed egestas pretium consequat.

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